You and your friend want to hike a trail. On the map of the​ trail, 1 inch equals 4 miles. The total length of the trail is 6 inches on the map. If you and your friend walk at 2 miles per​ hour, how long will it take to hike the entire​ trail?

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Part 1
It will take you and your friend
enter your response here hours to hike the entire tr


To find the total time it will take to hike the entire trail, first calculate the actual distance of the trail using the scale of the map.

6 inches on the map represents 6 x 4 = 24 miles in actual distance.

At a speed of 2 miles per hour, it will take 24 miles ÷ 2 miles per hour = 12 hours to hike the entire trail.

Therefore, it will take you and your friend 12 hours to hike the entire trail.