The distance between two cities on a map is 7.5 centimeters. The map uses a scale in which 1 centimeter represents 15 kilometers. What is the actual distance between these two cities in kilometers?

A 2 km
B 112.5 km
C 500 km
D 22.5 km

B 112.5 km

If 1 centimeter on the map represents 15 kilometers, then 7.5 centimeters on the map would represent:
7.5 centimeters x 15 kilometers/centimeter = 112.5 kilometers.

The city is putting a fountain at the entrance of the park. A scale drawing of the fountain is shown below.

1 in. : 4 ft

What is the area of the fountain in square feet?
A 4𝜋4 𝜋
B 16𝜋16 𝜋
C 64𝜋64 𝜋
D 128𝜋

To find the area of the fountain in square feet, we need to first determine the actual dimensions of the fountain based on the scale provided.

Since 1 inch represents 4 feet in the scale drawing, the dimensions of the fountain are:
Length: 4 inches x 4 feet/inch = 16 feet
Width: 4 inches x 4 feet/inch = 16 feet

Now, the area of the fountain in square feet is:
Area = Length x Width
Area = 16 feet x 16 feet
Area = 256 square feet

Therefore, the correct response is:
C 64𝜋64 𝜋