Neurological examination report of neonate of 4 day duration

Name: Baby Doe

Age: 4 days
Date of Examination: [Date]

Chief Complaint:
The neonate was brought in for a routine neurological examination.

History of Present Illness:
The neonate was born at full term via normal l delivery. The mother had an uneventful pregnancy and prenatal care was satisfactory. The neonate has been feeding well and passing urine and meconium normally.

Physical Examination:
Upon examination, the neonate appeared well-nourished and in no acute distress. Vital signs were stable. The head circumference, weight, and length were within normal limits for age.

Neurological Examination:
Mental Status: The neonate was alert and responsive to stimuli.
Cranial Nerves: Pupils were equal, round, and reactive to light. No nystagmus or ptosis noted.
Motor Function: Muscle tone was normal with symmetric movements of all extremities. The neonate was able to grasp the examiner's finger.
Reflexes: Moro reflex was present and symmetric. Sucking reflex was strong. Babinski reflex was negative.
Sensory Function: The neonate responded to touch and showed appropriate withdrawal reflex.

The neurological examination of the neonate was within normal limits for age. No abnormalities were noted on examination.

Continue routine follow-up care and monitor for any developmental milestones. Educate parents on normal growth and development. No further interventions are required at this time.

The neonate will have a routine pediatric visit scheduled in 2 weeks for further evaluation of growth and development.

Provider Signature: