A baseball team played 160 regular season games. The ratio of the number of games they won to the number of games they lost was three fifths

. How many games did they​ win? How many games did they​ lose?

Let the number of games won be 3x and the number of games lost be 5x.

According to the given ratio, 3x / 5x = 3/5

Solving for x:

3x = 3/5 * 5x
3x = 3x
x = 1

Therefore, the number of games won is 3*1 = 3 games
And the number of games lost is 5*1 = 5 games

So, the team won 3 games and lost 5 games.


Let x represent the number of games won by the team.

Since the ratio of the number of games won to the number of games lost is 3/5, the number of games lost is 5x.

According to the given information, the team played a total of 160 games.

Therefore, x + 5x = 160
6x = 160
x = 160 / 6
x = 26.67

Since the number of games won must be a whole number, we can round down to 26:

Number of games won: 26
Number of games lost: 5 * 26 = 130

The team won 26 games and lost 130 games.


Let x be the number of games the team won.

Since the ratio of the number of games won to the number of games lost is 3/5, the number of games lost is 5x.
Therefore, the total number of games won and lost is x + 5x = 6x.

Given that the team played 160 games, we can write the equation:
6x = 160
x = 160/6
x = 26.67

Since the number of games won must be a whole number, we can round down to 26:

Number of games won: 26
Number of games lost: 5 * 26 = 130

So, the team won 26 games and lost 130 games.

the answer is they won 60 games and lost 100 games

Let's correct the solution:

Let x represent the number of games won by the team.

Since the ratio of the number of games won to the number of games lost is 3/5, the number of games lost is 5x.

According to the given information, the team played a total of 160 games.

Therefore, x + 5x = 160
6x = 160
x = 160 / 6
x = 26.67

Since the number of games won must be a whole number, we can round to the nearest whole number:

Number of games won: 27
Number of games lost: 5 * 27 = 135

The team won 27 games and lost 135 games. Thank you for the correction.

Therefore, the team won 60 games and lost 100 games.