Six years after his first practice, Jermaine was ready for his big shot. He took a deep breath and remembered what his coach said the first day. "Practice helps you learn the skills, but loving the game makes you a great player."

More than anything, Jermaine loved soccer. He started playing when he was eight years old. While he was not the best technical player on any team, he had more heart for the game than half the professional players in the world. He quickly accelerated his skills through practice every day. Jermaine's parents were proud of him, and his friends cheered him at every game.
Now, Jermaine was the only freshman playing on his high school varsity team. He had not played a single game, but he was so proud of his position. With two minutes left in the final game of the season, Jermaine was in the game. He played fantastically and almost scored the winning goal when he was illegally tripped. Jermaine had a penalty shot.
Jermaine took another deep breath and took his shot. Before he knew what happened, the crowd erupted into cheers, and he was lifted onto the shoulders of two teammates. Jermaine grinned from ear to ear. Now that was a soccer game!
What can the reader predict about Jermaine?
He will learn a new sport.
He will lose all of his friends.
He will make his parents angry.
He will continue to play soccer.

D. He will continue to play soccer.