Analyze which event occurred as a result of the rise of the middle class or bourgeoisie.(1 point)


migration from rural lands to urban centers
migration from rural lands to urban centers

Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution

American Revolution
American Revolution

French Revolution

French Revolution

The rise of the middle class or bourgeoisie played a significant role in the French Revolution. The bourgeoisie, composed of wealthy merchants, professionals, and business owners, were frustrated with the absolute monarchy in France and the nobility's control over society. They desired political and economic power, which ultimately led to the revolution and the overthrow of the French monarchy. The French Revolution marked a shift in power from the nobility to the bourgeoisie, demonstrating the impact of the middle class on historical events.

A)Which of the following explains how textile manufacturing advances improved the cotton industry?(1 point) Responses Cottage industry employed many people and improved textile production. Cottage industry employed many people and improved textile production. The spinning Jenny allowed cotton thread to be produced at a faster rate. The spinning Jenny allowed cotton thread to be produced at a faster rate. Interchangeable parts allowed machines to operate when something broke down. Interchangeable parts allowed machines to operate when something broke down. The Bessemer process allowed high-quality products to be made.