
The area of a rectangular swimming pool is 10x^s – 19x – 15. The length of the pool is 5x + 3.
What is the width of the pool?
(1 point)

2x – 18
2x – 5
5x – 5
5x – 22

To find the width of the pool, we need to divide the area of the pool by the length.

Width = Area / Length
Width = (10x^2 - 19x - 15) / (5x + 3)

Using polynomial long division or synthetic division, we can divide (10x^2 - 19x - 15) by (5x + 3):

10x^2 - 19x - 15 divided by 5x + 3

2x - 5
5x + 3 | 10x^2 - 19x - 15
-10x^2 + 15x
-4x - 15
-4x - 6

Therefore, the width of the pool is 2x - 5, which is option B.