A jar contains 45 red candies and 60 black candies. Suppose a candy is selected at random. What are the odds against selecting a red candy?

First, we need to calculate the total number of candies in the jar:

Total number of candies = 45 red candies + 60 black candies = 105 candies

Next, we need to calculate the probability of selecting a red candy:

Probability of selecting a red candy = Number of red candies / Total number of candies = 45/105 = 9/21

The odds against selecting a red candy can be calculated by subtracting the probability of selecting a red candy from 1:

Odds against selecting a red candy = 1 - (9/21) = 1 - 3/7 = 4/7

Therefore, the odds against selecting a red candy are 4:7.