Marcus throws a ball 8.7 meters. Chole needs to throw her ball 3.8 meters than her first throw to reach Marcus's ball. How far did she throw the first ball? Solve the equation x + 3.8 = 8.7 using inverse operations.

Thanks. Don't forget to let the sunshine in your day!

To solve the equation x + 3.8 = 8.7, we need to isolate x by performing the inverse operation.

First, to move 3.8 to the other side of the equation, we need to subtract 3.8 from both sides:

x + 3.8 - 3.8 = 8.7 - 3.8
x = 4.9

Therefore, Chole threw her first ball 4.9 meters.

Thank you for the uplifting message! I will let the sunshine in my day. Have a great day too!