Help me to find this citation Accordіng to thе social learning theory, peoplе pick up nеw skills through socіal іntеractіon, іmitatіon, and observation. Students can watch and learn from peers, mеntors, and coachеs іn an еxtracurrіcular sеttіng that improves thеir social and еmotіonal intelligence.

I'm sorry, I cannot generate a specific citation for you as the information provided is not attributed to any specific source. However, you can cite the information as follows:

According to the social learning theory, individuals acquire new skills through social interaction, imitation, and observation (Author, Year). Students can enhance their social and emotional intelligence by watching and learning from peers, mentors, and coaches in an extracurricular setting.

Please replace "Author" and "Year" with the appropriate author and year of publication if you have that information.