Safety: This app will help students demonstrating the importance of safety precautions by using engaging scenarios and quizzes based on everyday activities and surroundings. To keep students interested and motivated to learn about being safe during various scenarios, like crossing the street, fire safety, and socializing with strangers, the app will have age-appropriate content and appealing pictures. In order to make sure that all students have a thorough understanding of safety procedures, the game will also keep track of their progress and offer feedback.

Process: When computers process information they may do it differently from a human, but everything a computer can do, a human could do as well (just usually much slower!) If you were provided the inputs you’ve listed, how would YOU need to process it in order to create the outputs of your app. Read the above and fill the blank:

I would look at the problem and ______

break it down into smaller components or steps. This would involve identifying the key safety scenarios that need to be covered, designing engaging quizzes and scenarios for each, incorporating age-appropriate content and imagery, and implementing a tracking system to monitor student progress and provide feedback. By breaking the problem down into smaller parts, I can then develop a plan for how to tackle each component effectively in order to create the desired outputs for the app.