Why does lowering interest rates help the economy?

• All actions by the Fed help the economy.
• Low rates are not usually followed by raising rates.
• More people borrow when rates are low, so more money is spent.
• Interest rates are similar to exchange rates for international currency.

Lowering interest rates helps the economy for several reasons:

1. Encourages borrowing: Lower interest rates make borrowing cheaper, leading to increased consumer spending and business investment. This, in turn, stimulates economic activity and can help boost economic growth.

2. Stimulates investment: Lower interest rates can incentivize businesses to invest in capital projects and expansion, which can help create jobs, increase productivity, and drive economic growth.

3. Boosts housing market: Lower interest rates can make mortgages more affordable, leading to increased homebuying activity. This can boost the housing market, create construction jobs, and support related industries.

4. Increases disposable income: Lower interest rates can reduce the cost of borrowing for consumers, such as for credit cards and auto loans, leading to more disposable income that can be spent on goods and services.

Overall, lowering interest rates can help stimulate economic activity, increase consumer and business spending, and support overall economic growth.