Two students, Sammy and Angelo, from a local SDUSD high school were arrested for a fight that happened on their campus. The assault was considered mutual combat because it was unclear which student started the fight and they were both physically hurt. Leading up to the fight, Sammy had been bullied for months by a group of male students that included Angelo, although Angelo was not the main bully. Sammy was getting fed up with the bullying and on this particular day, started talking back to the main bully. Angelo felt peer pressure to stick up for his friend and intervened. This started a physical altercation between Sammy and Angelo. By the time school police could break up the fight, both boys were bloody and bruised. Both boys were suspended and put on probation.

A restorative conference was convened a couple months following the incident. All parties were individually prepared for the meeting ahead of time and participants included Angelo and his parents, Angelo’s uncle, Sammy and his parents, Sammy’s best friend, a teacher, an anti-bullying service provider, and a community mentor for each student. Both students took responsibility for their actions, community members shared the impact of the incident, and a restorative plan was put in place for each student.

The most profound impact was regarding the reaction of Sammy’s younger siblings when he came home bloody the day of the fight. They were extremely fearful and ran around the house closing windows and locking doors, thinking someone would come and hurt them too.
give me effective conflict resolution as an victim's mother in an role play

Victim's Mother: Thank you for inviting me to this restorative conference. As Sammy's mother, it was heartbreaking to see my son come home that day with bruises and blood on his face. His younger siblings were terrified and it has affected our entire family. I want to find a resolution that ensures the safety and well-being of all involved.

Community Mentor: I understand how difficult this situation has been for you and your family. It's important for us to come together and find a solution that addresses the harm that has been caused.

Victim's Mother: Yes, I agree. I appreciate that Angelo and his family are here to take responsibility for their actions. I believe that both boys have learned from this experience and are committed to making amends.

Anti-bullying Service Provider: It's great to hear that you're open to finding a resolution. Moving forward, we can work on creating a plan that focuses on healing and rebuilding trust. This could include counseling for both boys, restorative justice circles, and ongoing support from the school community.

Victim's Mother: That sounds like a great plan. I want to ensure that Sammy feels safe and supported at school, and that all students understand the impact of their actions on others. Thank you for including me in this process and I look forward to seeing positive changes come out of this experience.