what does a squidworm and the dinochelus ausubeli have in common

Both the squidworm and the Dinochelus ausubeli are deep-sea creatures, living in the depths of the ocean. They both have unique adaptations for surviving in the extreme conditions of the deep sea, such as bioluminescence and specialized body structures for feeding. Additionally, they are both relatively recently discovered species, having been documented in the past few decades.

Discovered by who

The squidworm was discovered by scientists on a research expedition in the Celebes Sea in 2007, while the Dinochelus ausubeli was discovered by researchers in the Philippines in 2007. Both discoveries were the result of deep-sea exploration efforts led by marine scientists.

Were they discovered by COML?

Yes, both the squidworm and the Dinochelus ausubeli were discovered as part of the Census of Marine Life (CoML) project, a global effort to assess and document the diversity of marine life in oceans around the world. The CoML project involved scientists from numerous countries and institutions working together to explore and better understand the creatures that inhabit the oceans.