Why is Qin Shi Huangdi considered an important figure in world history

Qin Shi Huangdi is considered an important figure in world history for several reasons:

1. Unification of China: Qin Shi Huangdi was the first emperor to unify China under a centralized imperial government. He brought an end to the Warring States period and established the Qin Dynasty, laying the foundation for the future development of China as a single nation.

2. Legalism: Qin Shi Huangdi implemented Legalism, a philosophy that emphasized strict laws, harsh punishments, and centralized control of the state. His adoption of Legalist policies helped to establish a strong and stable government in China.

3. Great Wall of China: Qin Shi Huangdi is known for his construction of the Great Wall of China, a massive defensive wall that stretched for thousands of miles along China's northern border. The Great Wall is considered one of the greatest architectural achievements in history and continues to be a symbol of Chinese strength and unity.

4. Standardization: Qin Shi Huangdi is also credited with standardizing Chinese writing, currency, measurements, and other aspects of daily life. His efforts to promote uniformity and consistency across the empire helped to create a sense of national identity and helped to integrate the various regions of China.

Overall, Qin Shi Huangdi's contributions to Chinese history, including his unification of China, implementation of Legalism, construction of the Great Wall, and promotion of standardization, have had a lasting impact on world history and continue to be studied and admired by historians and scholars.