How to know if your mouse is pregnant

There are a few signs that may indicate your mouse is pregnant:

1. Rapid weight gain: If your mouse suddenly gains weight without any changes in diet or exercise, it could be a sign of pregnancy.

2. Increased appetite: Pregnant mice may eat more than usual as they need more nutrients to support their developing pups.

3. Nest building: Pregnant mice will often start to gather bedding materials and build a nest in preparation for giving birth.

4. Nipple enlargement: As the pregnancy progresses, the nipples of pregnant mice may become more prominent and pink in color.

5. Behavioral changes: Pregnant mice may become more restless, aggressive, or territorial as they prepare to give birth.

If you suspect your mouse may be pregnant, it is important to provide her with a quiet and secluded space to give birth and care for her pups. It is also recommended to consult with a veterinarian or experienced rodent breeder for guidance on proper prenatal care and birth preparations.