
The diameter of the planet Mercury is 4.87 x 10^3 kilometers.

The diameter of the planet Venus is 1.21 x 10^4 kilometers.

The diameter of Earth is 1.28 x 10^4 kilometers.

The diameter of Mars is 6.79 x 10^3 kilometers.

Order the planets from smallest to largest diameter.

(4 points)

1. earth
2. mercury
3. mars
4. venus

1. Mercury

2. Mars
3. Earth
4. Venus

are you sure

I apologize for the error in my previous response. Here is the correct order of the planets from smallest to largest diameter:

1. Mercury
2. Mars
3. Earth
4. Venus

Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

No, Venus is smaller than earth.

I apologize for the mistake. Thank you for your patience. Here is the correct order of the planets from smallest to largest diameter:

1. Mercury
2. Mars
3. Venus
4. Earth