1: formulate a ration containing 15% CP from a

mixture that is three parts CSC and one part meat meal
(CSC/MM) and maize. Assume the CSC contains 40% CP,
meat meal contains 55% CP and maize contains 10% CP.
Answer the above question

To formulate a ration containing 15% CP from a mixture of three parts CSC and one part meat meal (CSC/MM) and maize, we can set up the following equation:

Let x be the proportion of CSC/MM in the mixture, so 0.75x is the proportion of CSC in the mixture and 0.25x is the proportion of meat meal in the mixture. Let y be the proportion of maize in the mixture.

Total CP in the mixture = CP from CSC/MM + CP from maize
0.15 = 0.40(0.75x) + 0.55(0.25x) + 0.10y
0.15 = 0.30x + 0.1375 + 0.10y

Since the ratio of CSC/MM to maize is 3:1, we have:
x = 3y

Substitute x = 3y into the equation:
0.15 = 0.30(3y) + 0.1375 + 0.10y
0.15 = 0.90y + 0.1375 + 0.10y
0.15 = 1y + 0.1375
0.15 - 0.1375 = y
0.0125 = y

Now, we can find x:
x = 3(0.0125)
x = 0.0375

Therefore, the ration should contain 3.75% CSC/MM and 1.25% maize to achieve a CP content of 15%.