1. “They rounded a corner in thunder and siren, with concussion of tires, with scream of rubber...” (page 105). a. Literary Device: auditory imagery b. Definition: c. Significance: 2. “The men ran like cripples in their clumsy boots, as quietly as spiders” (page 106). a. Literary Device: simile b. Definition: c. Significance: written shortly and like a 8th grader

auditory imagery: details that appeal to the sense of hearing in a literary work, creating a vivid mental picture for the reader

simile: a figure of speech that compares two unlike things using "like" or "as" to show similarity
In this passage, the auditory imagery of the thunder and siren, along with the simile comparing the men to spiders, creates a sense of urgency and tension in the scene. It helps the reader visualize and understand the chaotic and intense atmosphere of the moment.