Years Since 1970, x: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40

Population (In thousands), y: 589, 801, 1,202, 1,998, 2,959

Find the population for 1975.

A. 623 thousand people.

B. 599 thousand people

C. 513 thousand people

D. 650 thousand people

To find the population for 1975, we can estimate using the data provided for the years 1970 and 1980.

Population in 1970: 589 thousand people
Population in 1980: 801 thousand people

We can estimate a linear relationship between the years and population:

Slope = (801 - 589) / (1980 - 1970) = 212 / 10 = 21.2

Using the formula for a line: y = mx + b, where y is the population, m is the slope, x is the year, and b is the y-intercept.

y = 21.2x + b

Substituting the values:
589 = 21.2(0) + b
b = 589

So the equation becomes:
y = 21.2x + 589

Now, to find the population for 1975 (x = 5):
y = 21.2(5) + 589
y = 106 + 589
y = 695 thousand people

Therefore, the closest option is:

D. 650 thousand people