3(4×+8)=4(3×+6) prove that its infinite

To prove that the given equation is infinite, we need to show that there are an infinite number of solutions for x that satisfy the equation.

First, let's simplify the equation:

3(4x + 8) = 4(3x + 6)
12x + 24 = 12x + 24

We can see that the equation simplifies to 12x + 24 = 12x + 24, which means that the left side of the equation is equal to the right side for all values of x.

Since both sides of the equation are always equal, the equation has an infinite number of solutions. This is because no matter what value of x we plug into the equation, the left side will always be equal to the right side.

Therefore, we have proven that the given equation 3(4x + 8) = 4(3x + 6) is infinite.