Comment briefly on why you would not agree with the following statements:

2.1 If a person can ‘game the system’, and achieve personal success by doing so, it means that they
have certain skills that should be respected and even rewarded. (1)
2.2 The patients who have been scammed by Isabel Edwards should take part responsibility for their
losses – Isabel cannot be blamed for the consequences of all her actions if people are gullible
(naïve) enough to fall for her actions. (1)
2.3 It is acceptable to engage in fraudulent activity if the lives or health of others are not put in any
physical danger. (

2.1: I would not agree with this statement because achieving success through "gaming the system" often involves unethical behavior and goes against principles of fairness and integrity. Respect and rewards should not be given to individuals who manipulate situations for their own gain.

2.2: I would not agree with this statement because the responsibility lies with the scammer, not the victims. Blaming the victims for being gullible or naive is shifting the blame away from the person who committed the fraudulent actions. Scammers should be held accountable for their deceitful actions.

2.3: I would not agree with this statement because engaging in fraudulent activity is never acceptable, regardless of whether it directly puts lives or health in physical danger. Fraudulent activity is unethical and harmful, and should not be justified under any circumstances.