• Homeostasis -inner stability in organisms. If organisms are out of balance, death can result.

◦ Ways to keep the balance
▪ ________/urination
▪ Sweating/shivering
▪ Release of stress _________/reducing production
▪ Fighting off ______

▪ __infections__/illnesses

▪ __proper nutrition__/diet
▪ Regular exercise
▪ Getting enough rest and sleep

im confused

I apologize for the confusion. Here is a clearer breakdown:

- The process of homeostasis is the inner stability in organisms. If organisms are out of balance, it can lead to death.

Ways to keep the balance include:

1. Hydration/urination
2. Sweating/shivering
3. Release of stress hormones/reducing production
4. Fighting off infections/illnesses
5. Proper nutrition/diet
6. Regular exercise
7. Getting enough rest and sleep

I hope this clarifies things for you! Feel free to ask if you have any more questions.