What were the effects of the mukden incident 1931 write 2 paragraphs

The Mukden Incident of 1931 had significant effects on both domestic and international politics. Domestically, it provided a pretext for Japan to invade and occupy Manchuria, a region rich in resources and considered crucial for Japan's imperial ambitions. This move escalated tensions within Japan and emboldened militaristic elements within the government, leading to the further militarization of society and a shift towards more aggressive and expansionist policies.

On the international stage, the Mukden Incident was widely condemned by the League of Nations, which called for Japan to withdraw its forces from Manchuria and return control to China. However, Japan disregarded these calls and instead established the puppet state of Manchukuo in the region. This blatant disregard for international norms and agreements undermined the credibility of the League of Nations and emboldened other aggressive powers, such as Nazi Germany, to pursue their expansionist goals. Ultimately, the Mukden Incident and Japan's actions in its aftermath contributed to the erosion of global stability and the eventual outbreak of World War II.