What are three similarities between the Roman republic government and the United States government? What are three differences between the Roman republic government and the United States government?



1. Both the Roman republic and the United States government have a system of checks and balances to prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful.
2. Both governments have a bicameral legislative body, with a Senate and a House of Representatives in the United States and a Senate and a Council of Plebeians in the Roman republic.
3. Both governments have a system of elected officials representing the people, with the Roman republic having consuls and tribunes and the United States having a President and members of Congress.

1. The Roman republic had a class-based society with distinct social classes, while the United States is based on the idea of equality and democracy.
2. The Roman republic did not have a written constitution, while the United States government is based on the Constitution as the supreme law of the land.
3. The Roman republic had a strong emphasis on military leadership and conquest, while the United States government focuses more on diplomacy and international relations.


Similarities between the Roman republic government and the United States government include both having checks and balances, a bicameral legislative body, and elected officials representing the people. Differences include the class-based society in the Roman republic versus the equality and democracy in the United States, the lack of a written constitution in the Roman republic compared to the Constitution in the United States, and the emphasis on military leadership and conquest in the Roman republic as opposed to the focus on diplomacy in the United States.


Similarities: Both Roman republic and US government have checks and balances, bicameral legislative bodies, and elected officials representing the people.

Differences: Roman republic had a class-based society while US is based on equality, Roman republic didn't have a written constitution like the US, and Roman republic focused on military conquest while US focuses on diplomacy.