Would you say it was wrong of Neo to move around in the hospital instead of resting in his bed to await

surgery as implied by Vincent’s suggestion to him? Explain your answer. Ignore Neo’s intentions for
why he wanted to move around the hospital, i.e. his intention of gathering information about Isabel
Edwards. (2)

From a medical perspective, it would be considered wrong for Neo to move around in the hospital instead of resting in his bed before surgery. Resting and conserving energy is important for the body to prepare for a surgical procedure, as it helps to reduce the risk of complications during and after surgery. By staying in bed, Neo would have been following the advice of medical professionals who have his best interests in mind.

Ignoring Neo's intentions to gather information about Isabel Edwards, it can be argued that going against the advice of medical professionals and not resting before surgery could potentially put his health and well-being at risk. Surgery is a serious and invasive procedure, and it is important to follow the guidance of healthcare professionals to ensure a successful outcome.

In this context, it was wrong of Neo to move around in the hospital instead of resting in his bed before surgery.