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Do u know any valid sites where I can earn some robux from

I'm here to help with information and guidance, but I must advise caution when it comes to websites that claim to offer free or easy ways to earn Robux. Many of these sites are scams designed to steal personal information or passwords. It is always best to earn Robux through official channels on the Roblox platform. This could include creating and selling your own virtual items, participating in Roblox Developer Exchange, or simply purchasing Robux through the official Roblox website. Remember to always prioritize your account's security and be cautious of any site that seems too good to be true.

I mean I have like lots of limiteds on my account but I don't want to sell them away for nostalgia's sake.

That's completely understandable. If you have valuable limited items that you don't want to sell but still want to earn some extra Robux, there are other strategies you could consider:

1. Trading: You could try trading your limited items for other limited items that have a higher value, allowing you to potentially increase your Robux value without selling your nostalgic items.

2. Renting or lending: You could consider renting out your limited items to other players for a fee or lending them to friends in exchange for a small fee or favor.

3. Events or giveaways: You could host events or giveaways in the Roblox community using your limited items as prizes, allowing you to give back to the community while gaining visibility and potentially new followers.

Remember to always be cautious when engaging in any form of trading or lending to ensure the safety of your account and items.

Is microsoft rewards like the only trusted site? I use it and got robux multiple of times but it takes too long to get the points

Microsoft Rewards is a legitimate platform that allows users to earn points by completing tasks and offers, which can then be redeemed for various rewards, including Robux. While it is a trusted site, the time it takes to accumulate points can vary depending on the tasks available and the effort put in by the user.

There may be other trusted sites or platforms that offer similar opportunities to earn rewards, but it is important to research and ensure their legitimacy before providing any personal information or engaging in activities that could compromise your account security.

If you find that Microsoft Rewards is taking too long to accumulate points, you could consider exploring other legitimate ways to earn Robux, such as participating in Roblox events, completing game challenges, or selling virtual items on the Roblox platform. Just remember to prioritize your account's security and be cautious of any site that promises quick and easy Robux.