Use the image to answer the question.

An illustration shows a trapezoid with top side as 6 centimeters and bottom side as 10 centimeters. Two perpendicular dotted lines extend from the top vertices to the bottom side and are labeled 6 centimeters each. The two perpendicular lines are denoted by 4 right angle symbols.

What is the area of the quadrilateral?
the height is 17
(1 point)

The formula to find the area of a trapezoid is (1/2)(sum of the lengths of the bases)(height).

In this case, the bases are 6 and 10 centimeters and the height is 17 centimeters.

So, the area of the trapezoid is (1/2)(6 + 10)(17) = (1/2)(16)(17) = 8 * 17 = 136 square centimeters.