16. Which major contribution did Georgia make during World War II?

(1 point)

A. Radar technology was developed and tested at Georgia military bases.
B. Hospitals provided trained doctors and nurses for the Medical Corps.
C. Military bases were established to train large numbers of U.S. troops.
D. Research sites developed the technology for a prototype of the atomic bomb.

17. Which of the following is described by the list?

Located in Marietta, GA
Built B-29 military airplanes
Operated during World War II

(1 point)

A. Fort Oglethorpe Plant
B. Bell Bomber Plant
C. Savannah Shipyard
D. Brunswick Shipyard

18. What was the economic impact of the Bell Bomber Plant, military bases, and Savannah and Brunswick shipyards on Georgia during WWII?
(1 point)

A. These industries put people to work to support the war effort and brought the state's economy back from the Great Depression.
B. These industries caused the state to go into debt to provide materials to support the war effort.
C. These industries were known for exploiting child labor and caused many children to drop out of school to work in the factories
D. These industries were reliant on the labor of sharecroppers and tenant farmers, which caused many landowners to go into debt.

19. Which of the following was produced in Brunswick and Savannah, Georgia to support the war effort during WWII?
(1 point)

A. B-29 Bombers
B. P-51 Mustangs
C. Liberty Ships
D. M-4 Sherman Tank

20. "Rosie the Riveter" was a well known character during World War II. What did she symbolize?

(1 point)

A. Increased use of power equipment in Northern factories
B. Changes in women's clothing in the 20th century
C. The increased number of women working in jobs they had not held before World War II
D. The increased number of women joining the infantry to fight in World War II.

21. Who is referred to as "the father of the two-ocean navy" and earned the nickname "the Admiral" for his strong support of the navy?
(1 point)

A. Franklin D. Roosevelt
B. Theodore Roosevelt
C. Carl Vinson
D. Richard B. Russell

22. During World War II, what notable contributions did Richard B. Russell Jr. make?
(1 point)

A. Advocating for small farmers and soil conservation
B. Opposing civil rights legislation
C. Securing military installations and research facilities
D. Bringing economic opportunities to Georgia

23. Put the following events in chronological order (the first event should be the earliest, the last event should be the latest):
(3 points)
= Boll Weevil and Drought
= World War II
= New Deal
answers only

1. Boll Weevil and Drought

2. New Deal
3. World War II