If you have 4 2/3 and you cut into 2/5 how many 2/5 would it take

To find out how many 2/5 portions you could cut from 4 2/3, you need to convert the mixed number to an improper fraction.

4 2/3 = (4 * 3) + 2 / 3 = 12 + 2 / 3 = 14 / 3

Now, you need to divide the total number of thirds (14) by the number of thirds in 2/5 (5) to find out how many 2/5 portions you can get.

14 / 5 = 2 remainder 4

So, you can cut 2 wholes and 4 more-thirds from 4 2/3 or 2 4/5 portions from 4 2/3.