The “Partition of India” refers to the creation of the state of _____ area from India’s western border. The tension involving the partition revolves around religious differences in the region: most of the population of India are ______ area while a sizable minority of the country- especially in the west- is ______ area. Because of this, when _____ area prepared to give India its independence, some advocated the creation of a separate state. _____ area, the leader of the Muslim League, was the loudest voice of that movement. On the other hand, ______ area, who would later be India’s first Prime Minister, advocated a unified India.

In 1946 the situation erupted into violence. On “Direct Action Day”- a day of planned peaceful protest for a separate Muslim state- radical Islamic gangs attacked and killed Hindus in Calcutta. In retaliation, Hindus struck back against Muslims. In the end, over 4,000, people died in a matter of days. On August 14, ______ area, the country of Pakistan was created as an independent Muslim state. The next day, it was granted its independence.

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Pakistan, Muslim, Hindu, Muslim League, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Jawaharlal Nehru, 1947.