leadership seeks information, opinions, and preferences, sometimes to the point of meeting with the group, leading discussions, and using consensus or majority vote to make the final choice.

Effective leaders understand the importance of gathering input from their team or group in order to make informed decisions. By seeking out different perspectives and preferences, they can gain a better understanding of the situation at hand and make decisions that are more likely to be accepted and supported by the group.

In order to gather information, opinions, and preferences from their team, leaders may schedule meetings or discussions to allow for open communication and collaboration. This can help to ensure that everyone has a chance to voice their thoughts and concerns, and that all relevant information is taken into consideration before a decision is made.

A leader may also choose to use consensus or majority vote as a decision-making method, especially when trying to reach a decision that is in the best interest of the group as a whole. By involving the group in the decision-making process, they can help to build trust and buy-in from team members, ultimately leading to a more successful outcome.

Overall, incorporating input from the group into the decision-making process can help leaders to make more informed and inclusive decisions, while also fostering a sense of ownership and collaboration within the team.