simplify the expression and answer is scientific notation: 2.7 * 10^5/3.2 * 10^7

8.4375 * 10^-3

what are the steps

To simplify the expression \( \frac{2.7 \times 10^5}{3.2 \times 10^7} \), we first need to divide the numbers and then divide the powers of 10 separately.

1. Divide 2.7 by 3.2: \( 2.7 \div 3.2 \approx 0.84375 \)

2. Divide the powers of 10: \( 10^5 \div 10^7 = 10^{5-7} = 10^{-2} \)

3. Combine the results: \(0.84375 \times 10^{-2} = 8.4375 \times 10^{-3} \)

So, the simplified expression in scientific notation is \( 8.4375 \times 10^{-3} \).

Step 1: ? the coefficients.

Step 2: ? to simplify the exponents.
Step 3: ? to change into Scientific Notation.
Step 4: 8.44 x 10^-3 is the simplified answer.

Step 1: Divide the coefficients \(2.7 \div 3.2 \approx 0.84375\).

Step 2: Divide the exponents of 10: \(10^5 \div 10^7 = 10^{5-7} = 10^{-2}\).

Step 3: Combine the coefficient and exponent results: \(0.84375 * 10^{-2} = 8.4375 * 10^{-3}\).

Step 4: The simplified answer in scientific notation is \(8.4375 \times 10^{-3}\).

Your final answer is 8.44 x 10^-3, rounded to two decimal places.

Simplify this expression and put your answer in Scientific Notation: (5×106)×(2×10−2) (4 points)

Step 1: ? the coefficients
Step 2: ? the exponents to simplify.
Step 3: ? to change the exponent for Scientific Notation
Step 4: ? is the final answer.

Step 1: Multiply the coefficients: \(5 \times 2 = 10\).

Step 2: Multiply the exponents: \(10^6 \times 10^{-2} = 10^{6-2} = 10^4\).

Step 3: Convert the simplified expression to Scientific Notation: \(10^4 = 1 \times 10^4\).

Step 4: The final answer is \(1 \times 10^4\) in Scientific Notation.

step 3: options (add to the exponent, subtract from the exponent, or do not change the exponent)

step 4: options (2.5 * 10^4, 7.0 * 10^4, 1 * 10^5, 10 * 10^4, or 1 * 10^4.)

Step 3: Do not change the exponent

Step 4: 1 * 10^4

Step 4: options (2.5 * 10^4, 7.0 * 10^4, 1 * 10^5, 10 * 10^4, or 1 * 10^3.) sorry