The price of a color printer is reduced by 30​% of its original price. When it still does not​ sell, its price is reduced by 10​% of the reduced price. The salesperson informs you that there has been a total reduction of 40​%. Is the salesperson using percentages​ properly? If​ not, what is the actual percent reduction from the original​ price?

No, the salesperson is not using percentages properly.

To find the actual percent reduction from the original price, we need to calculate the total reduction after both price reductions have been applied.

Let's assume the original price of the color printer is $100.

After the first price reduction of 30%, the price becomes $100 - $30 = $70.

After the second price reduction of 10% of the reduced price, the price becomes $70 - $7 = $63.

The total reduction from the original price is $100 - $63 = $37.

Therefore, the actual percent reduction from the original price is $37/$100 = 37%.