Use the triangle angle sum theorem To find the measure of the angles for the triangle in the diagram at the top of the triangle, the point is B bottom is a NC inside. The triangle at the top is 5X +4 bottom is 4X +14 the side 6X -3.

To find the measure of the angles in the triangle, we first need to find the values of X.

According to the Triangle Angle Sum Theorem, the sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees.
So, we can write the equation:
(5X + 4) + (4X + 14) + (6X - 3) = 180
Solve for X:
5X + 4 + 4X + 14 + 6X - 3 = 180
15X + 15 = 180
15X = 165
X = 11

Now that we have found the value of X, we can find the measure of each angle:
The angle at the top: 5X + 4 = 5(11) + 4 = 55 + 4 = 59 degrees
The angle at the bottom: 4X + 14 = 4(11) + 14 = 44 + 14 = 58 degrees
The side angle: 6X - 3 = 6(11) - 3 = 66 - 3 = 63 degrees

Therefore, the measures of the angles in the triangle are:
Angle at the top = 59 degrees
Angle at the bottom = 58 degrees
Side angle = 63 degrees.