Seaside hotels employs 64 workers with a gross weekly payroll of 47536. Fringe benefits are 38.33 per employee for dental insurance and 6.86 per employee for discount club memberships. What percent of payroll is the total cost of fringe benefits

To calculate the total cost of fringe benefits, we need to multiply the fringe benefits per employee by the number of employees and add them together:

Total cost of fringe benefits = (38.33 + 6.86) * 64 = 45.19 * 64 = 2891.36

Now, we need to calculate the percentage that the total cost of fringe benefits is of the gross weekly payroll:

Percentage = (2891.36 / 47536) * 100% ≈ 6.08%

Therefore, the total cost of fringe benefits is approximately 6.08% of the gross weekly payroll.