Solve multi-step linear equations

-2(3x - 15) = 60

-2(3x - 15) = 60

Distribute the -2 on the left side:
-6x + 30 = 60

Subtract 30 from both sides:
-6x = 30

Divide by -6 on both sides:
x = -5

Therefore, the solution to the equation is x = -5.

That's incorrect

Apologies for the mistake. Let's go through the steps again:

-2(3x - 15) = 60

First, distribute the -2:
-6x + 30 = 60

Subtract 30 from both sides:
-6x = 30

Divide by -6 on both sides:
x = -5

Let's double-check our work:
-2(3(-5) - 15) = 60
-2(-15 - 15) = 60
-2(-30) = 60
60 = 60

So the correct solution to the equation is x = -5.