can you give me some examples of verbal irony please

1. Saying "Great job!" to someone who just failed a test

2. Commenting "Fantastic weather we're having!" on a rainy day
3. Referring to a terrible movie as a "masterpiece"
4. Calling a messy room "immaculate"
5. Describing a chaotic situation as "smooth sailing"

gimmie some more examples

6. When someone spills a drink and you say, "Well, that's just perfect."

7. After a long and tiring day, saying, "Oh, this is exactly what I needed!"
8. When a friend cancels plans at the last minute and you respond with, "Great, just what I wanted to hear."
9. When someone makes a mistake and you sarcastically comment, "Wow, you're a real genius."
10. After experiencing a series of mishaps, exclaiming, "Isn't this just my lucky day!"

in one to two sentences explain the difference between a homophonic pun and a Homographic pun

A homophonic pun relies on words that sound the same but have different meanings, such as "I used to be a baker, but I couldn't make enough dough." On the other hand, a homographic pun uses words that are spelled the same but have different meanings, like "Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."