Analyze colonizer challenges to tribal sovereignty in the early United States.(1 point)


Colonizers challenged tribal sovereignty by allowing Indigenous peoples to negotiate with the American government fairly and allowing them to keep living on their land.
Colonizers challenged tribal sovereignty by allowing Indigenous peoples to negotiate with the American government fairly and allowing them to keep living on their land.

Colonizers challenged tribal sovereignty by trading with Indigenous groups and sharing farming techniques with them.
Colonizers challenged tribal sovereignty by trading with Indigenous groups and sharing farming techniques with them.

American colonizers did not challenge tribal sovereignty. They worked together with Indigenous people and respected their rights.
American colonizers did not challenge tribal sovereignty. They worked together with Indigenous people and respected their rights.

Colonizers challenged tribal sovereignty by stealing land and introducing diseases, plants, and animals that devastated Indigenous land and peoples.

Colonizers also challenged tribal sovereignty by implementing policies such as the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which forcibly removed Indigenous peoples from their ancestral lands to make way for white settlement. Additionally, treaties signed with Indigenous nations were often not honored or were manipulated to benefit the colonizers, further eroding tribal sovereignty. The court system also played a role in undermining tribal sovereignty by ruling in favor of the American government in cases involving Indigenous rights and land claims. Overall, colonizers systematically undermined tribal sovereignty through various means in order to assert their dominance and control over Indigenous lands and peoples.