An ice cream shop makes vanilla and chocolate ice cream. The vanilla ice cream machine has a 180-cup capacity, and it sells 20 cups per day. The chocolate ice cream machine has a 140-cup capacity, and it sells 16 cups per day. Write and solve an equation to show when the two machines will have the same amount of ice cream left.(l

et x be the number of days.

After x days, the vanilla machine will have 180-20x cups of ice cream left, and the chocolate machine will have 140-16x cups of ice cream left.

To find when the two machines will have the same amount of ice cream left, we can set the two expressions equal to each other:

180-20x = 140-16x

Now, solve for x:

180-140 = 16x-20x

40 = -4x

x = -10

Since a negative number of days does not make sense in this context, we can conclude that the two machines will never have the same amount of ice cream left.