What value of y would make the expression yb−6+7+2b−3b+1 equivalent to 5b+2 ?(1 point)


To find the value of y that would make the expression equivalent to 5b+2, we first need to simplify the given expression:

yb-6 + 7 + 2b -3b + 1

Combine like terms:

yb + 2b - 3b - 6 + 7 + 1

y - b + 2

Now, set the simplified expression equal to 5b + 2 and solve for y:

y - b + 2 = 5b + 2

Subtract 2 from both sides:

y - b = 5b

Add b to both sides:

y = 5b + b

y = 6b

Therefore, the value of y that would make the expression equivalent to 5b + 2 is 6b.