What events led to the Revolutionary War??? Choose 4

1. The Proclamation of 1763: The British government issued a proclamation that prohibited colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains, limiting their expansion and causing tensions between colonists and the British authorities.

2. The Stamp Act of 1765: The British Parliament passed the Stamp Act, which required colonists to purchase special stamped paper for legal documents, newspapers, and other items. This tax was met with widespread protest and resistance in the colonies.

3. The Boston Tea Party: In 1773, a group of colonists disguised as Native Americans boarded British ships and dumped their cargo of tea into Boston Harbor in protest of the Tea Act, which granted the British East India Company a monopoly on tea sales in the colonies.

4. The Intolerable Acts: In response to the Boston Tea Party, the British government passed a series of punitive measures known as the Intolerable Acts in 1774, which included the closure of Boston Harbor, the revocation of Massachusetts’ colonial charter, and the implementation of martial law. These acts further inflamed tensions between the colonies and Great Britain.