11) A peanut butter and jelly sandwich contains 9.00 g of fat, 6.00 g of protein, and 25.0 g of carbohydrate. How many Calories does this sandwich provide?

To calculate the total number of Calories provided by the peanut butter and jelly sandwich, we need to know the number of Calories per gram for fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

Fats provide 9 Calories per gram, proteins provide 4 Calories per gram, and carbohydrates provide 4 Calories per gram.

Therefore, to calculate the total Calories provided by the sandwich, we use the following calculations:

Total Calories from fats = 9.00 g * 9 Calories/g = 81 Calories

Total Calories from proteins = 6.00 g * 4 Calories/g = 24 Calories

Total Calories from carbohydrates = 25.0 g * 4 Calories/g = 100 Calories

Therefore, the total number of Calories provided by the peanut butter and jelly sandwich is:

81 Calories + 24 Calories + 100 Calories = 205 Calories

Therefore, the sandwich provides 205 Calories.