Alan wants to rent a boat and spend at most $38. The boat costs $7 per hour, and Alan has a discount coupon for $4 off. What are the possible numbers of hours Alan could rent the boat?

Use t for the number of hours.
Write your answer as an inequality solved for t.

To find the possible numbers of hours Alan could rent the boat, we need to set up an inequality using the given information.

Let t be the number of hours Alan rents the boat.

The total cost for renting the boat for t hours is given by:
Total cost = (Cost per hour * Number of hours) - Discount
Total cost = ($7 * t) - $4

Alan wants to spend at most $38, so we set up the inequality:
Total cost ≤ $38
($7 * t) - $4 ≤ $38

Solving for t:
($7 * t) - $4 ≤ $38
$7t ≤ $42
t ≤ 6

Therefore, the possible numbers of hours Alan could rent the boat are any whole number less than or equal to 6.

Answer: t ≤ 6