Rewrite this into a high-schoolers level

In Edgar Allan Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado," the theme of revenge is central to the story as the character Montresor seeks to exact vengeance on his perceived enemy, Fortunato. Montresor's motivation for seeking revenge stems from his feelings of anger and betrayal towards Fortunato, whom he believes has wronged him in some way.
Throughout the narrative, Montresor carefully plans and executes his revenge, inviting Fortunato to the catacombs under his family's palazzo under the guise of sampling a rare wine, the Amontillado. He leads Fortunato deeper into the catacombs, eventually chaining him to a wall and sealing him alive behind a wall of bricks.

If Montresor had chosen a higher intention, such as forgiveness and kindness towards Fortunato, the story could have taken a different direction. By opting for reconciliation instead of revenge, Montresor might have repaired their relationship and avoided the tragic outcome that befalls Fortunato.

Moreover, by choosing to indulge in higher intentions such as seeking reconciliation or understanding, Montresor could have demonstrated growth and empathy, leading to a more positive resolution for both characters.

In conclusion, "The Cask of Amontillado" serves as a cautionary tale about the destructive consequences of succumbing to darker impulses like revenge. By exploring the possibility of overcoming these impulses and engaging in higher intentions such as forgiveness and redemption, the story could have offered a more uplifting message about the power of forgiveness and understanding.

In Edgar Allan Poe's story "The Cask of Amontillado," the main idea is revenge. Montresor wants to get back at Fortunato for something he did to him. He carefully plots his revenge and tricks Fortunato into coming to the catacombs under his house, where he chains him up and seals him inside the walls.

If Montresor had chosen to forgive Fortunato instead of seeking revenge, the story could have ended differently. By trying to make amends and understand each other, they could have avoided the tragic ending.
Overall, the story shows that revenge can lead to bad outcomes. If Montresor had shown forgiveness and understanding instead of revenge, the story could have had a more positive message about the power of forgiveness.