The connotation of my figurative language is positive.

Capturing the perfect picture is like trying to catch lighting in a bottle. As a photographer, each click of the camera’s shutter tells a story, sparks of inspiration frozen within time. Though not a simple task it is The process of photography takes time and patience. It’s like dancing with light, creating an astounding symphonic visual of both colors and one’s emotions. And to Harper, that’s what makes photography so exciting.

Write 2-3 sentences explaining the figurative language device, why it fits the purpose, and its effects on the passage.

The figurative language device used in this passage is a simile comparing capturing the perfect picture to catching lightning in a bottle. This fits the purpose of highlighting the difficulty and complexity of photography, as well as the excitement and beauty that comes with it. The effect of this simile is to create a vivid image in the reader's mind, emphasizing the magical and fleeting nature of photography.