in one or two sentencses explain verbal irony

Verbal irony is when someone says something but means the opposite, often used to create humor or emphasize a point. It is a form of sarcasm that involves saying the opposite of what is meant.

make is simpler

Verbal irony is when someone says one thing but means something different, often used for humor or to show the opposite of what is said.

In one to two sentences, explain the difference between a homophonic pun and a homographic pun.

A homophonic pun relies on words that sound alike but have different meanings, while a homographic pun uses words that are spelled the same but have different meanings. Both types of puns involve wordplay and clever use of language.

make it simpler

A homophonic pun is based on words that sound the same but have different meanings, while a homographic pun uses words that are spelled the same but have different meanings. Both types of puns use wordplay to create humor.