
bellstown to lewis city =120km distance
bellstown to jenkinsville = 40km
jenkinsville to lewis ity = 60 km

If the distance between Lewis City and Bellstown is 6 centimeters on his drawing, how far apart are Lewis City and Jenkinsville on Arturo's drawing? (1 point) Responses 12 cm 12 cm 0.05 cm 0.05 cm 2 cm 2 cm 3 cm 3 cm Skip to navigation

To answer this question, we need to use the scale of Arturo's drawing. If the distance between Lewis City and Bellstown is 6 centimeters on the drawing and the actual distance between them is 120 km, then the scale of the drawing is 120 km = 6 cm.

Now, we can use this scale to find the distance between Lewis City and Jenkinsville on the drawing.

Distance between Lewis City and Jenkinsville in actual distance = 60 km
Distance between Lewis City and Jenkinsville on the drawing = (60 km / 120 km) * 6 cm = 3 cm

Therefore, Lewis City and Jenkinsville are 3 cm apart on Arturo's drawing.