make a scary story

It was a dark and stormy night, with lightning crackling across the sky and thunder rumbling in the distance. Sarah was driving home from a late night at work, her heart pounding as she navigated the winding roads through the dense forest.

Suddenly, she heard a scratching sound coming from the back seat. She glanced in the rearview mirror and saw a pale, ghostly face staring back at her. Her hands shaking, she struggled to keep control of the car as the figure reached out a skeletal hand towards her.

Terrified, Sarah tried to scream but no sound escaped her lips. The ghostly figure whispered in a chilling voice, "You should not have come this way, mortal. Now you belong to me."

As Sarah's car skidded off the road and plunged into a ravine, she knew that she was trapped in a nightmare from which there was no escape. The ghostly figure cackled with malevolent glee as darkness closed in around her, leaving only the echo of her terrified screams in the night.