The number 18 is multiplied by a number called "r". When 6 is subtracted from the product of 18 times r, the result is 54. Write the equation to solve this word problem.

18r - 6 = 54

"The number 18 is multiplied by a number called "r"".

How would you write that? Hint: If x was multiplied by 7, you would write it as 7x.

"When 6 is subtracted from"

How would you indicate that 6 is subtracted from a number? For example, how would you write that 6 is subtracted from 10?

"the result is 54". Ah, finally! We get to use an equals sign. :-) How would you write that something equals 54?

Get anything

To solve this word problem, we can set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume the number we're multiplying 18 by is "r".

The product of 18 times r can be written as 18r.

The problem states that when we subtract 6 from the product 18r, the result is 54. Therefore, we can write this as an equation:

18r - 6 = 54

This equation represents the relationship between the number "r" and the given conditions of the problem. To find the value of "r", we can solve this equation.